A guide to this website
Home has current updates and information about upcoming events and weekday walks.
About is general information about the club.
Walks are the meat of our club. We organize walks, weekend trips and longer travel.​
Meetings gives the calendar and minutes for member meetings.
Newsletters has links to past newsletters from the Iowa’s Walking Club.
​Walking for Credit explains how you can earn awards for walking. Go here if you've ever wondered what walking for "credit" really means.
New Walker Packet explains why you want one, what is in one, ad how you get one!
Awards explains the award system and shows examples of the pins and patches that walkers can earn.
Glossary is especially important for newcomers to volkssporting. There are numerous terms and phrases that are used in the fun-filled world of volkssporting and some folks are afraid to ask. When you hear or read a term you don't understand, this page is for you. If the glossary is missing a term, here’s an email link to request inclusion of the missing term.